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Financial Provision is Our Right in Christ

Over the years, I have learnt that when it comes to the understanding of God’s love towards us and the benefits of Christ’s death to our lives, the revelation and understanding is progressively limited ranging from an emphasis on the salvation of the soul to the least understood and appreciated spectrum of divine wealth and prosperity. As such many believers, struggle with lack, poverty and unfulfilled lives because they don’t realise that financial and entrepreneurial success is part of our God given mandate.

For most believers, Christ’s death on the cross is synonymous with the gospel of escapism, where we literally have no say in what happens to us while we are alive on earth but rather are expected to do our best, hope for the rest and if that includes suffering here on earth, then we do it with submission and gladness and hope we have done enough to escape this world someday for a place called heaven. There, we finally get to rest and rejoice, singing hallelujah for evermore.

As nice as that sounds, it is definitely not a very encouraging or complete picture of the fathers love, neither is worth all the suffering and sacrifice Christ made on the cross.

Some believers today have explored their beliefs further to recognise and appreciate not only, the salvation of their souls, but also the provision of grace, healing and miracles. As a result, they have witnessed and experienced miraculous healing and deliverance from hopeless situations sometimes, but when it comes to the domain of money and wealth, God’s grace seems to be a bit sporadic, which leaves unsuspecting believers vulnerable to being taken prey by false doctrines as a consequence of the unclear revelation on God’s divine provision of wealth and financial provision.

Before I proceed further, I would like to clearly state that; provision for divine wealth and access to financial resources is a fundamental part of God’s provision and the way to access it, is through the application of faith in the areas of business, trade and commerce, either as a founder of a business or organisation, a funder (investor) or as a professional. By attaining success, godly control and use of gained wealth is God glorified as we shine like beacons of light in our ecosystems and society at large.

I recently watched this story with a similar account as the woman with the jar of oil in the bible (2 Kings 4: 2 – 7), which took place in 2016. The lady in question: Zoza is an artist, who had just received a career making order to fulfil. It turned out that one of her key ingredients ran out in the middle of the process of fulfilling this order and unfortunately was not immediately available to order from the suppliers. It was a make or break moment for her and her company and the only place she could turn to was her father and business partner – God! The twist to this story begins when she gets divine inspiration from to prepare the last available ingredients left even though it was not-fit for purpose and go ahead and use it the next day. As crazy as this sounded, there was a scriptural precedence and so in faith, she went ahead and obeyed. The next day, the liquid was miraculously refreshed ready for use but beyond that, that little bowl of chemical mix was used to fulfil their order and create a whole new inventory ahead of the subsequent order. That miracle bowl of mix, just like the jar of oil, did not run dry until the day their back order of supplies arrived in their premise and the bowl instantaneously dried up. Faith in God still creates supernatural solutions in the marketplace that override scarcity and give us abundance or as the scriptures puts it, a bumper harvest in the year of famine

There is a provision of wealth that God has made available for us in Christ, but just like anything in the universe, there are principles on how things are done; i.e. the same way we would not go fishing in the desert sand, is the same way, you can’t expect to obtain wealth without participating in marketplace interactions and engagements.

By applying our faith and God’s leading in the marketplace, we will be empowered to override the order of the economic hardship currently being experienced globally and thrive in the market place; having successful careers, organisations and businesses. However, let we must not be naïve to think that it would be a walk in the park because of grace but instead, faith in the marketplace implies that you can do exploits, run multinational companies from almost nothing but a word, a seed, a divinely inspired idea and in the process you will need to be committed to learning, transformation, hard work, deepening your relationship and walk with God and agilely being led by the Holy spirit.

So in conclusion, learning and participating in the marketplace by faith, is the answer believers and people of faith need for today to rise up like the phoenix from the ashes and thrive in these uncertain and dark economic times.

So I invite you to join us on this quest to fulfil our marketplace ministry of controlling money and possessing the wealth Christ has made available for us, so that His work can be fulfilled in our lives and God can be glorified while we go forth and influence the world for Christ. After all, in one of the writings of Paul, he states: “…In fact, all creation is eagerly waiting for God to show who his children are.” Are you willing to be one of them?